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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hmmm...What do I do now?

This was the question I asked myself today at 4:35 pm CST when my two classes were removed from MTSU's online registration system for non-payment. Yep, it is the time of year when I should be trying to complete my MA degree in Public History but life finds a way to suck the cash out of my pockets before I can pay my tuition. Summer camp for Lilly, Lizzie and me, summer ESP payments for the girls, dance class for the girls, Rascal's untimely vet bills and then his sudden passing along with everything for back to school with the girls have drained my checkbook for the past couple of weeks. Just a side note: my lovable almost 16 years old, three legged, large sized Pom, Rascal, passed away several weeks ago. It is hard to loose a furry friend and I don't care what others think but my dog was the bomb!

Oh well, all crying aside and back to my woes and empty pockets. My great-grandmother told me when you are broke the best place to go is to work. I work a full-time job and I have a part-time job with MPD, that is really cool! Shout out to all the guys and gals that answer 911 in your most desperate or drunkin' hour, ya'll are the greatest! Now, back on subject, how do I find the needed cash to enroll in the classes that I need to finish me degree. is my top 10 list of things to try:

1. Sell an non-vital bodily organ....(I have two kidneys)
2. Become the next Murfreesboro Madame....(not my kind of thing)
3. Have a fund raiser....(Anyone want to make a donation or buy some cookies?)
4. Sell off a kid....(I think this is illegal and they would bring my kids back and ask for a refund with interest!)
5. Give plasma three times a week....(Did this in my early college days and it makes for a cheap night out.)
6. Work more hours at MPD.....(Wow! There is an idea!)
7. Sell my 100+ years of National Geographic Magazines....(You can find them on Ebay starting Saturday!)
8. Find a really rich old guy.....(Hmmmm...)
9. Go stand on the corner at the Courthouse and sing.....(I think folks will pay me to shut up!)
10. Play the lottery....(Not really, I don't like the odds.)

So, if you would like to make a small donation to the "Help Bethany Hall Finish Her Degree Fund" I will gladly send you the Paypal information to make a secure online donation along with a souvenir copy of my diploma. If you donate in the next few minutes, I will include a complementary, signed, limited edition photograph of me accepting my diploma at graduation in the near future. This is a limited time offer and will not be duplicated! Call now before my chance to secure my classes are lost! Operators are standing by!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the 911 shoutout!!!

    On a much more somber note, I am so sorry to hear about your dog passing away. Such a sad time and you and your family are in my prayers!! Keep your head up...everything will work out.
